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Need help with Archangel Nomad/Marauder install

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Hi folks, first post and I'm totally losing my mind. I don't think I've been this angry since the last time I assembled Ikea furniture.

The trigger assembly was easy, but getting the damned receiver in the housing is what's killing me. This is the exact opposite of what I expected.

I don't know if the new kits have excess plastic flashing or if the tolerances are off or if I've missed something, but I'm taking a break after a solid hour of frustration.

Behold the photos below.






It took me 20 minutes just to get the receiver in there at all. Then I practically popped a vein squeezing it in as hard as I could. I thought I had it in there as snug as possible, but as can be seen from the photos, the alignment is still not good re: the receiver cover and the mag well.

Is this normal? I can get the receiver cover on with work, but there's a noticeable gap in the main body of it (second photo), since its being squeezed down fore and aft.

I tried removing the receiver but at this point I have no idea how I'll ever do that. I'm a strong guy but this thing was not budging at all.

All in all the process of inserting the receiver into the body has been nothing like the youtube videos I've watched. Please help me before I rage smash this thing.

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While I haven't done this conversion, I do have some advice,  for now.

It's late, take a break, put it down and have a beer. At least one other member here has done it and is on frequently, and I'm sure he'll offer help.

The other thing you can do is wait until you can call the manufacturer and discuss you problems, you may have an out of spec part and not know it yet.

I know it wasn't much, but we've all been there.

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Maybe I did just need to sleep on it. I was advised by a few folks to remove the receiver and heat up the plastic frame. But for the life of me, I couldn't get the receiver back out. So I went ahead with the rest of the install. Magazines seem to seat okay, rounds are feeding, and overall I think I reduced the gap a bit. Going to take it out to the range today and see what's what. I don't look forward to taking this thing down for heavy cleaning. But I'll worry about that another time.

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