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Sizing Pictures and Posting To This Forum


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Posting pictures to this forum (and to 308AR.com) had a long frustrating learning curve for me.

Initially I could not upload at all.  I could Email my pics to one of the moderators (sometimes,  sometimes not even that!) and he could insert my pic in my post.  I did that a few times.

I almost never bothered with Preview.  Then,  for whatever reason,  I used Preview once and discovered the toolbar would open for me with Preview but not with Quick Reply.  Once The toolbar opens,  uploading pics is easy.  So is a lot of other editing.

Editing pics in my own computer to prepare them for uploading is another game.  Picasa and whatever program my current computer uses (in MS-7) allow some editing. 

Make a copy,  maybe a couple of copies,  of the pic and move the copy or copies to a new dedicated folder.  That is to protect the original pic in your files.  Double left click the pic you are going to mess with and let it appear on screen.  Use the editing controls to crop and adjust the lighting.  Save it.  Cropping reduces the KB size an amazing amount.

If you do not have Paint.Net, (free) download it and install it. 

Open the saved pic with Paint.net (right click?) in 'Edit.'  Use the Resize percentage to adjust the Kb size.  I have found it is best to do this in stages,  80% of original,  save, 60% - 80% again.  Two or three or more stages.  The end result will be much better than just going to 22% in one step and getting a tiny thumbnail.  I try to get a pic that is 4 inches to 6 inches in its long dimension on my screen and that shows,  after saving and closing and seeing what I did in the prime working folder, as being less than 100 Kb.  My original pics from my iPhone 4 are usually more than 2 Meg.

Most of my posted pics are close to 100 Kb,  plus or minus.  One was a good pic at near 40 Kb.  Do not know how that worked?  I guess I was not paying enough attention to whatever I did.    ***See Update below!!***

Paint.net allows all kinds of art stuff.  To put print on the pic click the 'A' in that little box at the top,  then put the cursor in the upper corner where you want the text. Pull down and left or right to make a box.  Now there will be a window at the top where you can pick your font and print size and color of the text.  'Transparent' to add text over the pic,  or 'Opaque' to have a box with the text;  default white box,  maybe pick the color of the box with 'Second Color'?  When you are done,  click the icon at top left corner to get to the Save icon.  If you just close the window,  all will be lost or erased.  Have fun with the learning curve!

If there is a bad result,  go back to one of the saved copies you left behind and start over from there.  I usually need to restart several times and when I Save and can,  change the file name a little.  Or let it be Copy-Copy-Copy-Copy until I get to where I Rename for the upload.

Now upload the pic to the forum and Delete that working folder and the mess it contains.


This is written for possible benefit for those who,  like me,  usually find computers and software to be a cross between evil voodoo and unmitigated confusion.  I only get by because of the IT Support from my pre-teen grandchildren.  If computers and software are simple for you,  maybe even an integral part of your being,  I sincerely hope you at least got a good laugh!

6-14-2012  Update--

Resize (reduce) and end with low KB:

Start with the original pic thumbnail;  copy it.  Right click the copy to open the Paint.net program;  click Edit;  resize percentage;  Save; Close Paint.net.

Double left click the resized pic thumbnail in MS-7  to open the pic in the MS viewer.  Click the editor icon at the bottom,  wait until the pic fully opens in the Edit screen.  Click Resize at the top,  use the slide to reduce the pic pixel count--  suggest no lower than 80% or so until you are comfortable with the end results you will get.  Save AS;  title it;  Save.  Close the editing function.

Done.  Ready to upload if the screen size and KB sizes are what you want.

If you want to crop and adjust lighting,  best to do this in MS-7 editor first.  Then go to Paint.net,  and do the rest.

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I almost never bothered with Preview.  Then,  for whatever reason,  I used Preview once and discovered the toolbar would open for me with Preview but not with Quick Reply. 

Just an FYI - "Quick Reply" is typically only a text entry, just to respond to someone.  You can't even quote someone's response with Quick Reply.  There will be no toolbars or other posting aids in that feature.  :thumb:

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