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.22LR Steel Dogs Match


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The Savage and its new Vortex Scope and I tried our hand at this today, pretty cool deal. need a little practice and couple of week spots in my scope set up, but a little range time should help dial things in a little closer! Didn't come in last!

String No. 1: On signal, the shooter will engage 10 targets in ascending order with one round each. The targets will be set at: 35yd (35pt), 50yd (50pts), 65yd (65pts), 80yd (80pts), 90yd (90pts), 100yd (100pts), 110yd (110pts), 120yd (120pts), 135yd (135pts) and 150yd (150pts). You will have a maximum of 3 minutes to engage all targets. If you hit your intended target, you will get their assigned point value; if you miss it or if you hit a target out of order, you just don't gain any points (no penalty for misses).

String No. 2: On signal, the shooter will engage 10 targets in descending order with one round each. Starting with the 150yd target and ending on the 35yd target. You will have a maximum of 3 minutes to engage all targets.

String No. 3: On signal, you must hit all 10 targets in ascending order. If you hit your intended target with your first shot, you get its full point value. If you don't hit it on your first shot but you hit it on the second shot, you receive 50% of the points. If you don't hit it on the second shot and you hit it on the third shot, you receive 25% of its value. If you don't hit your intended target on your third shot (or if you skip it), you will not receive that target's points value and you must continue shooting the next farthest target. You can bring to the line as many magazines as you deem necessary but each magazine can only be loaded with a maximum of 10 rounds each. You will have a maximum of three minutes for this string of fire.

String No. 4: On signal, you will have one minute to rack up as many points as you can. You can engage the targets in any order you like but you can only engage each target once. If you hit it on your first shot, you get the target's full point value. If you miss it, you must engage a different target. Whether you hit or miss, you cannot engage the same target a second time.

String No. 5: With a maximum of ten rounds loaded in your magazine, you will engage one target at 165 yards (165pts), another at 185 yards (185pts) and one at 200 yards (200pts). You can engage these targets in any order you want and, if you miss, you may continue shooting at them until you have either hit them or your ten rounds have been shot. Once you have hit a target, you will get its point value but you cannot engage the same target again. There is no time limit. The maximum amount of points you can earn on this string is 550 points.

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The 35-150 are shot on a Prairie Chuck Silhouette Target, about the size of a soda can wide, touch taller.

the 165 185 and 200 are 6 inch square with the 165 and 185 hung diamond and the 200 hung square.

  Any position, but I was the only one who shot from a table, everybody else shot prone.


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