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Contact Page Submissions for the Sig 522


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Tony writes

I just purchased a sig 522  mostly because it looked cool . I'm a 50 yr old target shooter and wanted something fun for a change. Only bad comment I have is there are no sights included. I put a cheapy BSA 1x7 power airgun scope on it and took it to the range at 25 yds, I was only putting 5 or 10 rds in the mag at a time ,but it never malfunctioned at all, no nuthin, if a rnd was in the mag it fed ,fired and ejected every time with 6 different ammo's.

Group sizes varied greatly with ammo types most high velocity stuff shot about 1 1/2 in at 25 yds off the bench, not what I washoping for. Then the standard velocity stuff really shrank the groups most were under 1 in, cheapy wolf was the best I did with 5 touching and nice 3 shoot clover leaf groups, cci standard was runner up.

I don't think its a 1 hole gun, but its a great semi auto, and if an aftermarket trigger or spring kit comes out ,it will be even better.

I had 1 comment from a very experienced target shooter, he said it shot better than his 1500$ custom Ruger 10/22 rig.

Anyhow I could mount a 36 power scope on it and some high end ammo, but don't think the trigger pull will allow much better groups.

Oh and it fired with the stock folded flawlessly also. It did come with a pretty decent plastic case, 1 mag, anextended butt plate for a longer length of pull if needed and 2 plastic blocks that are used to alter the 3 position stock.

The take down is AR15 simple ,the included instructions are good, except on how to change the buttplate and the use of the plastic blocks, Oh and if the butt plate is changed there is a spring that will fall out, its not under a lot of tension so it won't fly, but beware its there.

Well hope this helps any and all.

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Tony has provided an update.

Tony Writes:

Just wanted to tell you that early production sig 522 's have a bolt problem with the e-clips coming undone ,gun will function ,but when action is open for cleaning parts will come undone .Sig will send the upgrade parts or you can send bolt for their people to do the work .

Their customer service was top notch,but be prepared for a long wait to get through .

Oh to tell if you have an early model look at the guide rail by the buffer block if it tapers you will need the upgrade which is the same diameter with no taper .and the e clip now goes on a groove and not the taper section

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Oh to tell if you have an early model look at the guide rail by the buffer block if it tapers you will need the upgrade which is the same diameter with no taper .and the e clip now goes on a groove and not the taper section

So, I think I can see what he's talking about, and it seems my e-clip rides in a groove, so I suppose I'm ok...

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Tony's latest comment

Just keeping you updated on the Sig 522 ,still zero malfunctions even with the upgraded guide rail parts installed .

Parts were ordered on a Monday and got here by Friday ,was told by some that depending on who you talk with at Sig that some may need to ship the bolt back and others will ship you the parts ?

The new parts include a guide rail ,2 e-clips ,washer ,recoil spring ,and new buffer block .

Oh gun also fired flawless with stock folded not sure if I told you that before ,it looked like cocking handle would hit ,but it cleared .

If you need photo's or more info let me kno ,so far its a big hit at the range .

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