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aguila 60 grain subsonics


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They worked very well in my M4.  They sounded different than high velocity, but not a lot quieter. The slightly quicker twist helps these in the colt/ umarex M4.

On the other hand they were sootier than other ammo.

The groups with these and the high velocity ammo overlapped at 50 yards with the 60 grainers shooting slighty higher.

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Are you saying they cycled reliably and did not "tumble" in your Colt M4? I have a Colt/Umarex M4 also, and really want to try them. CTD has them in 500 round boxes only for 30-something bucks. Should I go for it? Every now and then I go on "bullet-buying-binge" because I worry that one day soon, we won't be able to get them at all!

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I've tried these but not in a semi-auto only in a bolt-action they worked fine, but mustn't have made much of an impression over others because I've never bought more after the first couple of boxes.

That is pretty cool they'll work in the Colt, I check to see if my gun shop still has any and try a box in my 10-22.

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In my gun, they did not show signs of tumbling at 25 and 50 yards. Midwayusa has them in 50 round boxes. They had more of a thump sound than the crack of the the high velocity rounds. They were reliable in my M4, no hiccups but they seemed dirtier than CCI or blazers.

In a couple of handguns they showed obvious keyholing at 25 yards.

Th M4 has a 13 .75 to 1 or so rifling twist. I think this is enough faster than the usual 16 to 1 twist to make a difference in rifle length barrels.

I can't promise that they will work in someone elses gun.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I bought a box of the 60g Aguila "sniper" rounds. Shot two out of the box in my Sig 522, and went back to my standard load.

The 60g rounds are seated in a cut-down .22LR case... When you fire them, they smoke for 5 min. And they arent any more accurate than a standard round.

I was not impressed.

Now the Eley-Primer only Aguila rounds are FANTASTIC. They are so slow, you can actually watch the round go downrange through your optics in a nice bullet trajectory arc.. Not to mention, they are quieter than a suppressed .22  Just really fun cool rounds, for short range plinking.. I highly recommend them for sheer entertainment value alone.

The last time I saw something like that through optics was shooting M1s at 1000yds.  It was really cool seeing the little round arc, and then punch a hole in the paper.

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I received my brick of 60gr. monsters yesterday and shot 40 rounds thru my Colt this afternoon. Thankfully, they held a pretty tight group at 38 yds. (at least tight for me, as I'm shooting left-handed, sighting with my left eye because I have a severe cadillac in my right eye and left eye ain't too good either). Only had one failure to fire because the bullet didn't seat fully in the chamber. Turned the spring in another five turns, cleaned the chamber with a Q-tip and #9, and so far, ni more problems. 40 rounds actually moved my steel bullet-catcher back about 2 inches on the bench! Nothing else I have shot has done that before. They seem to back quite a PUNCH! They were a lot of fun to shoot because they have a really cool sounding POW when they go off (NOT quiet), and they have a distinct recoil compared to other rounds. The smell is horrendous, and will burn your eyes. Brother Bill says it's the Ely primer. I think some of you guys with the Umarex/Colt ought to try them! No sign of "key-holing" with my rifle. By the way, I'm scheduled to get that Cadillac removed from my right eye on Oct. 5th. I am scared shitless! Wish me luck!

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  On 9/11/2011 at 1:57 AM, wobblinwheel said:

The smell is horrendous, and will burn your eyes. Brother Bill says it's the Ely primer.

I dont think its the Eley Primer. Im shooting the Eley Primer Colibri rounds, and they dont do it.  I think most of that is the powder and lead dust being fed back into the chamber by that short cutdown case. I dont know, but they are a horribly dirty round. They do pack a punch though. Im wishing they had left the case alone, and just made the round boattail or something to keep the 60g. It would have made the ultimate steel plate round as it would have the punch to knock down some small plates.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Shot some targets yesterday at 50yds. using 60 gr. Subsonics. Seems to be a decent group, without the usual "fliers" I was consistently getting with some other ammo. Notice no "keyholes" are evident. Also, I had installed a set-screw in the rear-end of the Umarex compensator that may (or may not) have tightened the grouping a bit. Still impressed with their performance so far! One target is five rounds, the other is ten. Relatively rapid fire, about one shot per second.



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