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Sig 522LR for the wife?


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I'm getting into weapons again. Did time in the Marines, nothing like special ops, but still enjoy shooting. Recently got my first AR15 after wanting one for many years.

I'd really like a dedicated .22 and I'm starting to research around. While I'd love to have a look-a-like AR, it seems like the Sig is a better choice for reliability and consistency. I know I can pick one up locally off the used rack for a pretty good price if I shop around.

One of my biggest motivations for getting one, besides cheap ammo for plinking, is to maybe get my wife into shooting. She things my AR is too heavy, and I know it will be to powerful for her. She is a small woman, 5' 2" 120 pounds. She's a house wife by choice and not an athlete. So size and weight could be a factor for her. Of course if she doesn't take to the hobby, I'll be left with a gun that I need to like and want to shoot as well.

What do you think?


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I was recently introduced to dedicated 22lr uppers for the AR15 by imschur and I like the CMMG Sierra I purchased better than any of the current crop of dedicated 22lr tactical rifles I've owned or seen.

It'll mount right up to your AR15 lower in just seconds and is generally of better quality than the clones.

Check them out.

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  On 8/20/2011 at 3:50 PM, Microgunner said:


I was recently introduced to dedicated 22lr uppers for the AR15 by imschur and I like the CMMG Sierra I purchased better than any of the current crop of dedicated 22lr tactical rifles I've owned or seen.

It'll mount right up to your AR15 lower in just seconds and is generally of better quality than the clones.

Check them out.

Thanks for the response. I'm trying really hard to make this a good purchase decision. I'm home sick this weekend, so that makes going out and shopping hard, and the Internet is so easy..LOL

Getting a dedicated upper for my AR is probably the best choice. I can't shoot two guns at once, and even if my wife is joining me I'll have to stop shooting and help her.

Will this upper dramatically reduce the overall weight as compared to my AR15?


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I have a 522 and a dedicated .22 AR with a tacsol upper.

I tend to pull out the 522 when I want to plink. It is accurate with any ammo and, so far, runs anything I feed it. (to be fair, so does the tacsol)

It is a good choice for you and the wife. It's fun to shoot and set up well.


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  • 2 weeks later...

My wife didn't want me to buy another gun but gave me the go ahead. So I showed up with the 522 and was surprised when she thought it was nice. A month later while driving she said she had something to tell me. I thought it was bad news so was a little worried but she ended up telling me how she loved my Sig522 and how smooth it felt shooting it lol. Your wife will love it, trust me :beer: My wife has never shot a gun until 5 months ago.

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