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Leapers Red/Green Dot sight and UTC Picatinny Rail

Michigan Joe

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Hello everyone.  A few weeks ago, we were at Cabela's in Dundee, Michigan, and I picked up a used older Marlin 60 that had been made for Wards. While shooting it, I found that the old eyes were going and I could not focus on the front sight. Then, I learned about Red Dot scopes, bought my Remington 597 VTR and was on my way to full scale Tactical .22 addiction.

I still wanted to shoot the old Model 60 so I happened to be on Amazon and picked up a Picatinny rail attachment that fit on the scope grooves of the Model 60 and a Red and Green Dot sight by Leapers.  The sight looks exactly like the ones made by Truglo and others.  30mm inside diameter. 

However, this one cost only about $28.00 and the rail was $7.50.  I received them today, and everything went on perfectly. The rail is rock solid and so is the sight.  Inexpensive enough to put on even inexpensive guns.  I will attach some photos.




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