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still can't decide mp15-22 0r sig 522


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I'm looking to buy my first .22 tacticool rifle but can't decide which of the 2 to get mp 15-22 or sig522 I've been reading everyones post on both and they both seem like they have pros and cons does anyone own both and prefer one over the other. I've handled both and they both feel great in their own ways. any feed back would be great .

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I first bought the CMMG Quebec A first. Last week I bought the M&P 15-22 so I could have 2, tactical .22's. I shot the 552 before purchasing the M&P. Both are good guns, but not in the same league as the CMMG IMO since it can be upgraded to a .223, etc. The only thing that scared me off the Sig was magazine prices. I have 7 magazines for each of my guns (pistols and rifles) that's serious money in the Sig world.

Edit: When I bought my M&P I didn't do the research to see if the magazines my CMMG uses could be used in the Sig. Short answer.. they can.

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I have both, and nothing against the M&P 15-22, but I prefer shooting the Sig 522.  Maybe it's because I treated the 522 to an EOTech and still use the iron sights on the M&P, not sure.  I took a buddy to the silhouette range who doesn't really shoot or own guns, and let him shoot both.  He was frustrated with the M&P while throrughly enjoyed the 522, and again that might be due to the EOTech, because his hit ratio was way higher with the 522.

I think the 522 feels more rugged, the 15-22 is very light being mostly plastic.

I think they're both fantastic, but I do prefer shooting the 522.  Maybe I'll drop one of my other EOTechs on the 15-22 and see if I still feel the same way.    :beer:

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Thanks for all the info everyone i'm leaning towards the Sig now I just have to find one all the shops around me have several mp 15-22 but nobody has the Sig and some don't even know what I'm talking about I do live in mass but from what I understand their is a compliant model. The dealers that do know about it have it priced higher then the smith but I guess that's to be expected its a Sig. Does anyone know the part# for the mag u can use on the Sig.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I own a M&P 15-22 so I might be bias but I think both are great guns, and my shooting buddy owns the sig 522 and honestly I like the trigger feel of the sig 522, but I do not like where the bolt extractor is located.  I know it is going to come down to a personal preference but this is just how I feel.  I like all the mechanics on the left of the rifle since I am right handed.  Also figure out what are you going to be doing with it too.  If you are going to be more at the range with it then it doesn't matter as far as weight, but if you are going to be running and gunning then go with the M&P since it weights less.  Not having any experience with sig but my M&P 15-22 had the feeding problems so I sent it to S&W and they were awesome.  No hassle at all, and what I mean by that is S&W didn't ask for proof of purchase or anything else that might get them out of helping me.  I call and just explain my problem and they basically sent a pre-paid shipping label and I had my 15-22 back in about 7 days.  Keep in mind S&W had a big problem with the M&P 15-22 so I think by the time I got my MOE version they just wanted to fix them and not spend time figuring out if it was my fault.  Just saying that since both guns are great it might just come down to which company you would like to do business with.

{edit} I forgot that I cannot live with out the easy magazine loader that is built into the M&P 15-22.  I know that there is a speed loader for the sig but I do not know anything about that.  Get the M&P 15-22 lol

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