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An email to my Congressman, as follows:

To the Honorable Ron Kind:

Just a word or two of advice concerning the rush to "do something" in the wake of the Newtown Conn. school shooting. It may be that nothing would have assuredly prevented the tragedy that occurred last week in Newtown, at least not in a society that values the entire Bill of Rights. Be that as it may, here are a few proposals I believe might have made a difference.

The idea expressed by Wayne LaPierre of the NRA to place armed law officers in schools is far from crazy in my estimation. Remember, the same negative media hoopla greeted the notion of Air Marshals aboard domestic flights. Implementation of the idea doesn't seem to have resulted in the prophesied uncontrolled airborne mayhem. The use of terms such as "more guns" to characterize Mr. LaPierres' idea is indicative of bias and a failure to exercise rational thought in response to this horrific event. The fact is that "gun free" school zones do no more than advertise to these pathological cowards that that's the place to go to put their nut-job schemes into practice with minimal immediate risk to themselves. Not every plane carries an Air Marshal and not every school need host a police officer at any given time. The idea is to plant a seed of uncertainty in the miscreants' head. Other functions potentially served by this response would be outreach to young people by the local police department and suppression/control of drugs and other illegal activity. Mr LaPierre's presentation may have left something to be desired, especially considering the hostile audience to be expected at a press conference, but the underlying idea is nevertheless sound. A further consideration might be the training and arming of willing teacher volunteers, along the lines of volunteer firefighters. Training and dedication are essential to this pursuit as well.

Please keep in mind that the NRA is much more that an industry lobby, there aren't four million manufacturers of firearms in this country (much less the world). The figure represents living, breathing individual members. Many of those members have a spouse and family that share to greater or lesser extent the members' passion for the shooting sports and the freedoms of the Second Amendment. To focus on elimination of AR or "assault" type weapons is simplistic. The definitive characteristics of an Assault Weapon, by the way, are fully automatic firing capability, carbine length and chambering for an intermediate round. You won't be buying anything like that from a licensed dealer or some clown at a gun show. The primary source for criminals' automatic weapons is illicit police and military sales (anything is possible if you have virtually unlimited funds). Another relevant fact, a pump shotgun loaded with buckshot (or common turkey loads) can deliver a volume of fire, in the context of a school building or other urban setting, comparable in every way to a military style weapon with a HI-CAP magazine. That is why they were so popular going back to the days of WW1 and trench warfare. So where's this approach going to end? Do we prohibit pump and semi-automatic shotguns and other classes of weapons? This is the rationale for the NRAs' spirited defense of "assault" looking weapons. Attempts to ban them simply represent the nose of the Gun Prohibition camel in the tent. It is generally accepted by knowledgeable authorities  that the necessary  firearm legislation is  established law. The problem is largely the absence of the resources and resolve to enforce these laws.

Let's quit pussyfooting around with "feel good" legislation and grandstanding, instead concentrating on the tough nut of identifying, treating or confining the individuals that present a clear and present danger to us and themselves. This Lanza guy was not an exception, he was known to those around him as a "bug-eyed sociopath". It has been reported that his eruption was directly due to his loving mothers' fruitless efforts to have him committed.

Finally, how about a constructive "gun control" proposal the NRA would probably welcome? Specifically, a tax deduction for the purchase of a gun safe or other means of securing firearms in the hands of private citizens. This single proposition may well have had the potential to prevent what went down at Newtown.

Thank you for your consideration.

[ Feel free to copy and send to your Representative.]

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Excellent letter.

Anyone who is pro-gun has got to go into confrontation mode, letters, emails,  pro protest at anti-gun rallies, whatever it takes to keep them from taking our right to bear arms.

I read through Feinstein's proposed law and it is scary. It is the rantings of a complete Hoplophobic. Nothing in her law/rantings would have prevented Newtown, nor will it prevent more mass shootings in the future.

We have to use the liberals tactics against them. When they say no armed security in our schools, accuse them of wanting more dead children.

When a politician (who has armed protection) says we must ban guns, demand they give up their armed security first.

When they say ban assault weapons, hit back with the fact an AR-15 is not an assault rifle, make them define assault weapon then pick their definition apart.

Sorry ranting :-[

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I finished my letter to the New Mexico delegation today, and will mail it Wednesday. I borrowed some from "vhinze" and some other places, not to mention I let my anger have free rein, then I edited. I'm not going to post it here because I think vhinze hit the nail on the head and I don't think my additions and changes could hold up to his brilliance.

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Also I have learned thru the years make it short sweet and to the point.  Having had friends in DC in the political arena, the letters that are more than one paragraph generally are quickly looked over and not "read".  Also emotional tyrades are pitched to the round file instantly.

Since they get hundreds of letters and emails you have 2-3 sentences to get their attention.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey! My US Senator is Tammy Baldwin, you may have heard of her. How do you write a letter in support of the Second Amendment to one of the most radical Democratic Senators around?

I dunno, but this is my best effort. The ending of this letter, you've probably seen before.

Honorable Senator Baldwin:

I don't think I pigeon-hole well. I'm probably best described as a sort of libertarian, although some of that party's notions strike me as wacky.  Bottom line is I take seriously the notion that the rights of the People should be maximized and the scope of Government should be minimized. Accordingly, I treasure the Second Amendment and also wholeheartedly support women's rights to decide what they do with their bodies and the right of gay people to equal protection under the law.

I do think that the legislation to adequately regulate firearms already exists at the Federal, State and local level. Last time someone counted, there were twenty thousand laws and ordinances at these levels. As with many things governmental, what I see lacking are the resources (read Money) and resolve to enforce these existing laws. This is the position of the NRA of which I am a member (one of 4+ million).

The same is true concerning the care of the mentally ill. Back in the early sixties, State legislatures took advantage of the availability of then new psychoactive drugs to empty asylums, the stated goals were lofty and commendable but in the years to follow, funding was marginal.

The result has been that we all suffer the consequences.

I end with an extract from my letter to Congressman Kind:

Let's quit pussyfooting around with "feel good" legislation and grandstanding, instead concentrating on the tough nut of identifying, treating or confining the individuals that present a clear and present danger to us and themselves. This Lanza guy was not an exception, he was known to those around him as a "bug-eyed sociopath". It has been reported that his eruption was directly due to his loving mothers' fruitless efforts to have him committed.

Finally, how about a constructive "gun control" proposal the NRA would probably welcome? Specifically, a tax deduction for the purchase of a gun safe or other means of securing firearms in the hands of private citizens. This single proposition may well have had the potential to prevent what went down at Newtown.

Thank you for your consideration.

Incidentally fellow firearm enthusiasts, Senator Harry Reid (from Nevada) is rated A+ by the NRA and is a staunch friend of hunters and shooters. Being a Democrat does not automatically an enemy make!

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