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obama signed a piece of paper


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I agree cowards hide behind children heroes stand in front.

This is my take on Obama's bull! Sorry lengthy, I'm a bit riled up! My comments italized

1. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal agencies to make relevant data available to the federal background check system.  This is already the law, if the agencies aren't doing so the firings need to start post haste.

2. Address unnecessary legal barriers, particularly relating to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, that may prevent states from making information available to the background check system. A foot in the door to make it mandatory doctors ask everyone question about guns and then must report the info.

3. Improve incentives for states to share information with the background check system.  Incentives my ass it is the law!

4. Direct the Attorney General to review categories of individuals prohibited from having a gun to make sure dangerous people are not slipping through the cracks.  Allowing Eric Holder any part in this is purely ridiculous and hypocritical  he is the most notorious gun runner in America, and his department is so corrupt it can not be trusted.

5. Propose rulemaking to give law enforcement the ability to run a full background check on an individual before returning a seized gun. Only if seized from a criminal not recovered stolen property.

6. Publish a letter from ATF to federally licensed gun dealers providing guidance on how to run background checks for private sellers.  Dissolve the ATF they are complicit with Eric Holder in running guns to the Mexican drug cartels. Those guns are going to reenter our country which is why all Americans need to be armed. The government has no right being involved if what we do with our property.

7. Launch a national safe and responsible gun ownership campaign. Only if headed and designed by the NRA, no government agency is qualified or competent.

8. Review safety standards for gun locks and gun safes (Consumer Product Safety Commission).  Pure bullshit, this is a foot into the door requiring all guns to be locked up to such an extent it will prevent someone from rapidly defending themselves, their family or home.

9. Issue a Presidential Memorandum to require federal law enforcement to trace guns recovered in criminal investigations. This should already be standard operating procedures.

10. Release a DOJ report analyzing information on lost and stolen guns and make it widely available to law enforcement.  Sounds like a backdoor into making gun owners criminals if they don't report stolen or lost guns within a certain length of time.

11. Nominate an ATF director.  Dissolve the ATF they are a rogue agency responsible for running guns to Mexico.

12. Provide law enforcement, first responders, and school officials with proper training for active shooter situations. This does make sense but allow the school officials to be armed.  Cut the "give the derelicts a phone program"  the savings could be used to cover the cost.

13. Maximize enforcement efforts to prevent gun violence and prosecute gun crime.  If the enforcement agencies and prosecutors aren't already doing this why are we paying them?

14. Issue a Presidential Memorandum directing the Centers for Disease Control to research the causes and prevention of gun violence. Guns are an inanimate object not a disease, the CDC has no business involved except to help with the mental health issues.

15. Direct the Attorney General to issue a report on the availability and most effective use of new gun safety technologies and challenge the private sector to develop innovative technologies.  Most of the new gun safety technologies are pie in the sky unproven technologies. This idea is designed to drive manufacturers out of business.

16. Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes. Another foot in the door to make it mandatory doctors ask everyone and report the info.

17. Release a letter to health care providers clarifying that no federal law prohibits them from reporting threats of violence to law enforcement authorities.  The only thing which makes sense, but it has got to go further to include removing these people from society.

18. Provide incentives for schools to hire school resource officers.  Cut all foreign aid this could pay for armed security in every school, and improve access control.

19. Develop model emergency response plans for schools, houses of worship and institutions of higher education.  The last thing we need is a federal one plan fits all, administered by a government which is both dysfunctional and incompetent.

20. Release a letter to state health officials clarifying the scope of mental health services that Medicaid plans must cover.

21. Finalize regulations clarifying essential health benefits and parity requirements within ACA exchanges.

22. Commit to finalizing mental health parity regulations.

    20, 21 & 22 are pure fluff and have no real meaning.

23. Launch a national dialogue led by Secretaries Sebelius and Duncan on mental health.  Neither of these people nor there departments are the least bit qualified. Considering the complete failure of the Dept of Ed to properly educate American student to world class standard they have proved their incompetence. Human Health and Services has no reason to be involved, stop wasting my tax money.

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Response from governor Rick Perry...(One hour after King Obama's proclomation)

“The Vice President’s committee was appointed in response to the tragedy at Newtown, but very few of his recommendations have anything to do with what happened there.

“Guns require a finger to pull the trigger. The sad young man who did that in Newtown was clearly haunted by demons and no gun law could have saved the children in Sandy Hook Elementary from his terror.

“There is evil prowling in the world – it shows up in our movies, video games and online fascinations, and finds its way into vulnerable hearts and minds. As a free people, let us choose what kind of people we will be.  Laws, the only redoubt of secularism, will not suffice.  Let us all return to our places of worship and pray for help. Above all, let us pray for our children.

“In fact, the piling on by the political left, and their cohorts in the media, to use the massacre of little children to advance a pre-existing political agenda that would not have saved those children, disgusts me, personally.  The second amendment to the Constitution is a basic right of free people and cannot be nor will it be abridged by the executive power of this or any other president.â€

Texas..The democrats will play hell down here. :grin:

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"2. Address unnecessary legal barriers, particularly relating to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, that may prevent states from making information available to the background check system. "

These idiots are so stupid....they dont even know that Obama's own Obamacare directly tells them they cannot do this.

Section 10101 of the Affordable Care act (Obamacare) which says:


‘‘(1) WELLNESS AND PREVENTION PROGRAMS.—A wellness and health promotion activity implemented under subsection (a)(1)(D) may not require the disclosure or collection of any information relating to—

‘‘(A) the presence or storage of a lawfully-possessed firearm or ammunition in the residence or on the property of an individual; or ammunition by an individual.

‘‘(2) LIMITATION ON DATA COLLECTION.—None of the authorities provided to the Secretary under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or an amendment made by that Act shall be construed to authorize or may be used for the collection of any information relating to—

‘‘(A) the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition;

‘‘(B) the lawful use of a firearm or ammunition; or

‘‘© the lawful storage of a firearm or ammunition.

‘‘(3) LIMITATION ON DATABASES OR DATA BANKS.—None of the authorities provided to the Secretary under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or an amendment made by that Act shall be construed to authorize or may be used to maintain records of individual ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition.

‘‘(4) LIMITATION ON DETERMINATION OF PREMIUM RATES OR ELIGIBILITY FOR HEALTH INSURANCE.—A premium rate may not be increased, health insurance coverage may not be denied, and a discount, rebate, or reward offered for participation in a wellness program may not be reduced or withheld under any health benefit plan issued pursuant to or in accordance with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or an amendment made by that Act on the basis of, or on reliance upon—

‘‘(A) the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition; or

‘‘(B) the lawful use or storage of a firearm or ammunition.

‘‘(5) LIMITATION ON DATA COLLECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR INDIVIDUALS.—No individual shall be required to disclose any information under any data collection activity authorized under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or an amendment made by that Act relating to—

‘‘(A) the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition; or

‘‘(B) the lawful use, possession, or storage of a firearm or ammunition.’’.

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