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is a .223 enough gun for hog hunting ?


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  On 7/2/2010 at 3:01 AM, imschur said:

I had a buddy who swore by a Marlin lever action in 444 and 45-70 for boar

i really dont think iam the lever action kinda guy i prefer either semi auto or bolt action i have had a go at lever action and wasnt to keen on it

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i would never have thought that a .22wmr would have been anywhere near enough :o

i was on a Florida hog hunting website and they were giving calibers and range info and they started with a .22-250 and working there way up but they didn't mention the .223 at all buy i would like a .223 either bolt action or an AR15-M4 style of rifle iam going to have a look in the big city to see what sort of prices i can get one for  :thumb:

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i have to be very careful of recoil at the moment, as i went to see the doc again about my shoulder  i have all ready had a long physio treatment and 2 cortisone shots put in it and had another shot put in the the shoulder joint 2 weeks ago they booked me in for an MRI and looks like it will take surgery to fix it , i had a motorcycle accident 3 years ago and severely damaged the shoulder joint and broke my collar bone and i don't know if a .223 is going to be to much without firing one and i know ill have problems with a .303 lee enfield that i want to get but iam trying to do a balancing act so i can hunt and not hurt i would like to get a 6.8 spc II but if it means i hunt for 1 day and hurt for 3 months my wife would kick my A***  ;D

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The other thing is most rifles are made right handed to and its awkward to try use a right handed rifle left handed as the bolt is on the wrong side,watch saving Private Ryan the sniper is left handed and it shows what problems a south paw has and it slows down the throw of the bolt.

Also i have found that you can buy a 7.62x39 upper for the AR15 it was food for thought but i might just buy a full bore AK47.

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that looks soooo cool a hand cannon i like it but the misses isn't to keen on me having a hand gun till the kids get a bit older and i can teach em gun safety, so i am still not quite sure i have a few options to think about and carry on saving still trying to learn about rifle calibres and there hunting use

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