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Show me some knives


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Here's a couple of Case Hobo knives- They look like normal knives, open the blades and the handles slide apart. The blade and fork knife I gave to my Dad about 25 years ago. It was returned to me when he died. The blade, fork, and spoon knife was a gift from my wife about 5 years ago. Both very unusual knives, LOL.




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My Dad loved Case knives. Over a 25 year period I gave him an average of 3 knives a year, mostly Case XX. I gave him 75-80 Case knives from 1980-2007. He told me before he died he wanted me to have them back, and his wife said sure. After he passed away, 60 of those knives disappeared. I was told her two adult sons went thru his stuff. They probably pawned them. Oh well at least he got the enjoyment out of them. Some in the pictures are cheap import knives, many Xmas gifts from vendors at my employment. Several from a good shooting friend who died unexpectedly last year.



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Here are the most of the rest of mine, except for ones I keep stashed in certain places for different reason. From left to right.

Air Force issue survival knife made by Ontario Knife company. Reproduction WWI Trench knife. My New Mexico Sport Shooters (NM NRA) knife. Gerber Para top left double row. Gerber lock blade I used to open boxes when I was a parts manager. Gerber that came with my Browning Buckmark Camper. Winchester lockblade (a piece of junk actually). A Hammer Brand knife made in the 30s it belonged to my Grandfather. Marttini Fillet knife. Gerber Guardian, my boot knife.


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  On 10/18/2010 at 1:38 AM, lmao_37 said:

Did you see the 2 WW1 trench knifes on pawn starts on the history channel ? one had a triangular blade looked like one mean knife and i wouldn't want to be stabbed with it.

I've seen those, they were designed to go through even multiple layers of clothing, many of the early bayonets had trianglar blades also.

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