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just got back for my first outing :)

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ok so after a impulse buy of me colt m4.22,i got home and did alittle research.apparently some colts have alot of probs.didnt like the s/w mp15 .22 just because of the composite.i figure if im gonna spend this much on composite ill just buy a glock,lol.so i wen twith the solid feeling colt,and im very happy.i have gone through 300 round with only 3 ftf,ran all three back through and they shot fine,so i figure must be primer issues.the colt fires smooth and accurate right out of the box.2" grouping no problem from 30 yds with out even touching sights.i dont like how you have to load a empty clip to lock slide,not sure why they did that.but for the price im very happy($449 on sale big 5).if anyone knows any mods i can do please let me know,as i have a few months before i can start my 5.56 build.

  oh yea and i have to say this should pay for itself over time seeing how much 5.56 round are,lol. :thumb:

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