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Texas CHL class's What's involved


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Our private range has no limits on membership, and they pay for us to go through the NRA RSO class if we want  (I did right away).  Last newletter said we were up to 1388 members.  We have 2 ranges, one is close to me over here West.  The other is south, not as close to you as PSC, but maybe close enough to be worth joining.


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Thanks MadHouse.

I thought about the Bayou City club, but that's a pretty good little cruise, from my place. I'm giving PSC another month or so, and if they haven't opened up new membership by then, I'll bite the bullet and make the drive to Bayou..

Thanks for the update..

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  • 4 weeks later...

Finally....Just waiting for them to make it and ship it....

Application : Received

Fingerprints : Complete

Affidavits : Received

DL or ID : Valid

Citizenship : No documentation required

Passport photo holder : Received

Photo : Received

Proof of Classroom training : Received

Proof of Proficiency training : Received

Fee : Received

Background Check : Completed

Concealed Handgun License : Manufacturing Pending

Background check and fingerprints check took about 3 and 1/2 weeks...Probably have the plastic in hand end of next week....

Now...Onward to the search of concealable carry pistol...I'm undecided at this point, but I'm leaning towards the 5 for sure category..


Open for suggestiongs...What about it guys..

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I've got to do my 2 year range requalification this Sunday to keep my NM CCL. It was one of the dumb requirements the liberals stuck into the system to make it difficult on people who want one. Slowly but surely we are repealing to dumb parts. If next years election goes as it should 2013 should see the end of all the stupid parts.

BTW I carry only 2 pistols Citadel 3.5" 1911 or a Kel Tec P-3AT when it is shorts weather.

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I took my chl class over at I-10 and Beltway 8 on the west side back during spring break of 2010.  Mid March...

Took a total of 4weeks to get my chl in the mail.  Actually it took a few days over 4 weeks, but it was still fast imho.

I chose to carry a Ruger LCP .380 year round.  It is reliable, reasonably accurate for what it is, and holds 7 shots, and if I can't stop a problem with 7 rounds of .380, I got bigger problems. 

Although, I gotta admit that I sometimes carry my wife's Charter Arms Pink Lady with 5 hollow point plus P rounds. Remember, no one knows (or is supposed to see your weapon), so God forbid my Pink Lady needs to be drawn, I ain't making any apologies for using a lady gun to protect myself or family.

Tell ya what, you'll know you're shooting something relatively powerful when you pop some 38 special +p's through a 12 oz gun.  I can't even imagine shooting .357 mags through the 13 oz S&W  :o

[img width=800 height=600]http://i726.photobucket.com/albums/ww266/jestmaty/110_1168.jpg

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  On 10/8/2011 at 4:41 AM, jestmaty said:

I took my chl class over at I-10 and Beltway 8 on the west side back during spring break of 2010.  Mid March...

I can't even imagine shooting .357 mags through the 13 oz S&W  :o

Glad to see another fellow houstonian on the forum!!!! 8)

At my dainty ballerna type 260lbs, I'm pretty sure I can handle it.  :grin:

Aint time an amazing thing. I graduated from high school at 220lbs, with a 28 inch waist. Forward 40 years, 260 with a 40 inch waist. Chest must have fallen...In fact with my dainty size, that pink pistol might look pretty good on me... :laugh:

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Finally...Plastic in Mail today...Now I've got to nerve up for my 1st Wally World walk. Kept em in vehicles (Legal in Texas) but never concealed carried before. Checked out the S&W mp360 and the Ruger LCR  5450 both in 357 mag. Both fit wonderfully in my shorts pocket, completely concealed, and no holster.

I'm kind of torn on the holster thing or the loose in the pocket thing. Still yet to fire either. I like idea of being able to either 38 special, or 357 magnum. I already own a S&W 38 special, but not an airweight. Tends to drag my shorts down to my knees. I think the concealed part means you private parts as well.. ;D

About 300 bucks difference between the S&W and the Ruger. Would like to A/B them to see if theirs $300 worth of difference, but no luck so far. And every fire arm store down here, the policy is "You buy it it's yours.."

Thoughts from you guys???

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    I'm kind of torn on the holster thing or the loose in the pocket thing.   

The pocket holster is far and away superior and here's why IMO.

The pocket holster keeps the handgun upright with the grip at the ready. Without the pocket holster the revolver will always rotate top down making a fast draw difficult.

The pocket holster prevents printing, which would be a violation of you CCW license.

The pocket holster helps prevent lint and debris from accumulating in the firearm which can result in malfunction.

The pocket holsters are designed to remain in the pocket during the draw so this is not a concern.

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I just couldn't see the $300 dollar diffence in the end, so I ordered the Ruger LCR 357. Davidson's has a great price on them this month for $405 and is good through the 31st. With shipping and tax it still only came out to $453.35. Am going with the Safari Land Pocket Holster with this as well. I have broke my cherry and been carrying around my old S&W 38 snubby, and I now see the wisdom of the pocket holster. Thanks for the advice guys.

I like having the lightweight 357 option, as I already own my old trusty Dan Wesson 357 from the 70's in nickel finish, and my 38 Special S&W. So ammo wise the, even though the light weight frame may kick likd a mule, it made more sense with the LCR in 357 for me.

Thanks once again guys for all your input on this subject. Still feels kind of wierd walking around armed, but is becoming more like 2nd nature everyday.

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Don't know how to play a guitar, but love to listen to them. Guns as many as you can afford! Women a definite! Fine whiskey a must Jameson's being my preference. Had to give up the cigars along with the cigarettes or I wouldn't still be around, but still once in a while I still must stroll throught the local cigar shop just to sniff.

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