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Picked up a GSG AK


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picked it up for $250

quickly did some external mods before i hit the range.  Took stuff my AK to put it on there.  Didn't realize I forgot add the rear part of the to rail.

U.S. Palm top rail with Primary Arms Micro Dot

Midwest Industries lower rail

Knights Armament Company Hand Stop


The US palm Grip didn't fit with modding but will be ordering that as hunting down a Gemtech suppressor adaptor so I can but some type of brake on her for looks. 

she did pretty good for 50 rounds and 50 feet

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Worked on it some more today.

Modded a U.S. Palm Battle Grip in FDE

Did more research on trying to find that Gemtech Suppressor adaptor.  Since the threading will be 1/2 .28, that is the same as a AR15 thread.  I wanted to get it so I can ad a Surefire MB556K brake on her for looks or a BattleComp 2.0



Here is my WASR 10 I am basing it off of.  Not going to do the underfold though


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  On 3/12/2012 at 7:08 PM, Tal said:

good looking rifle...Aint those red dots cool once you get them sighted in..

sure are, especially for .22LR.  I am really please with the Primary Arms Micro Dot.  I wasn't going to spend another $500 on a Aimpoint Micro T-1 for this.  It's a great alternative. 

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I like the look of your wasr 10 it look great, i have a gsg AK47 i know they do a side folding skeleton stock but i prefer the underfolding stock i have the side mount and scope base on mine with a similar grip on the front  but i wish there was more choice in after market parts, also you might have to make an alterative adaptor for the muzzle as the standard adaptor also holds the muzzle of the stainless steel barrel in place and the it is recessed and the muzzle is about 1/2 inch inside the adaptor iam looking in to making a part to replace it and have a slightly deeper so it holds more of the barrel and reduces some of the play in the barrel as its not quite a solid fit on mine it is a little slack and the barrel can move in any direction. If you do find a way round this please let me know.

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okay, I took the front sight off and I see what you are saying... well I can move the front sight back just a bit and probably die out 1/2-28 threading on the actually inner barrel and put a brake on that instead.  Lemme see what my machinist can do

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So I found the original slant brake for the WASR10 AK.  Welded it to the front adapter of the GSG for now. 


Also forgot to put the cleaning rod threw but this time it didn't line up with the rail system so I just cut it down and have it on there for cosmetic purposes.

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  • 3 months later...

I have the GSG AK 47 22cal with two sets of furniture.....I like the AK in the original looking configuration so the only thing I have added is a Red dot scope on the side mount.

My grand kids have become quite good with this rifle even though it is a bit bulky for them.....The rifle will shoot 1" groups at 25 yards with the iron sights with my bad eyes, but it will shoot tighter groups with a better shooter than I......



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I have heard a lot of folks nit picking this rifle, but after several thousand rounds, I don't have a single complaint.....Not one FTF or FTE that I can rember.....

I got it with the black polymer furniture and ordered the wood from ATI....Changing it out was easy as pie.....The rifle feels more like the real thing with the wood.


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