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Strange proposed law in Ohio


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This is weird - the Ohio Senate, controlled by Republicans, has passed (actually, railroaded is a more accurate term) SB305, which makes it a felony to have a hidden compartment or space in your vehicle. Supposedly to help the war on drugs, it will ensnare many innocent drivers. When asked about that, a senator said they can prove their innocence in court. One does not have to have any illegal drugs in the compartment, just the compartment. The Governor, another Republican,  has stated he will sign it. (WTH?) The bill is in a house committee and will be voted on this week. What a time to be out of state.

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It's them damned hidden compartments that are causing all the problems.

I bought a 1964 Impala in 1971 and after driving it 6 months I discovered a factory hidden compartment in the console.

You opened it by pushing down on the front of the console.

Don't drive any '64 Impalas through Ohio.

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The committee is meeting today and tomorrow. Ohioans for Concealed Carry will be there in force in attempt to derail this travesty. They have my written testimony to present, among others.

is a very interesting video that will be presented.
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It has been very interesting watching this play out. As I mentioned, the bill was passed out of committee,  destined for a quick vote on the House floor om it's way to the Governor's desk. However, the House members didn't factor in one small group of activists - Ohioans for Concealed Carry. Calls, emails, you tube videos, press releases, and actual coverage by the local media has apparently derailed the bill for now, it was pulled off the House floor. We are told that our concerns are being addressed.  :thumb:

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Thats good and bad.  The phrase "concerns are being addressed" worries me.  Having worked in the political process that means that they will sit back and reword the bill in order to get what they wanted in the first place and make it so the naysayers look like they are in favor of drug mules.

It is typical political processing.  Make the naysayers look like they support the drug mules to marginilize them.  Sadly it is VERY common in legislatures.

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