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Robbery victim


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A man pulled into our parking lot, rammed the railing then staggered out of his van. He was soaked in blood, head gashed open in several places. He had just been robbed and pistol whipped. We called 911 for him. A huge contingency of law enforcement and EMS converged at our shop. We listened. After the EMt bandaged him up, street cops interviewed him, then forensics collected data, then detectives interviewed him. The detectives were tough and finally bullied him into telling the truth. He was buying crack when robbed at gunpoint and pistol whipped. He fought with his assailant, biting his arm when the gunman began shooting. He drove off with the gunman on board while fighting for control of the pistol and van. After driving through a fence and through an intersection the assailant jumped from the van at 30mph. Cops were here for 4 hours. An exciting Friday for sure.

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The detectives took the victim back to the scene of the crime to see if he could identify anyone. Uniformed police were already there and had detained any possible suspects for identification. Don't know what came of it because no one re-entered the shop after that.

They had half our parking lot blocked off with crime scene tape.

The detectives played the stereotypical game of good cop bad cop on him right in our lobby. It was hilarious to watch and it worked.

They found the victims crack pipes in our dumpster, covered with the victims blood. Hard to lie about your reason for being at a known crack house after they find your crack pipes.

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Did you watch cops last weekend?

Cops are questioning this chick as to whether she's on drugs. Of course she's "Not". So the cop is testing the substance and the kit is not changing color. The chick starts jumping up and down. "It didnt turn blue" "It didnt turn blue" "It didnt turn blue". The cop says "If you dont do drugs how do you know how this test works"  At that point she just freezes as she realizes her stupidity and the cop says "Oh here we go it is turning blue" Naturally the chick turns to tears.  :bang:

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  On 10/3/2010 at 2:00 AM, 447MSGT said:

Yeah, got a call to a residence one night where a guy had been beaten pretty badly.  Thought he wanted to file an assault....wrong, he wanted to report his dope had been stolen. ??? ??? :confused: ??? ???

Worlds dumbest druggie ?

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