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Opinions please....


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I wasnt sure where to put this as it concerns both the GSG5SD and the Colt/Umarex M16A3 version.  I am getting ready to buy one of the two aformentioned shooters and I have been reading in both rooms about each.  They both seem to be fun and they both have my attention.  I have 6 ARs all in 5.56MM and this is the biggest hold back of a Colt/Umarex M16A3 version purchase.  I kinda look at it as Just another AR in a different variation.  The GSG5SD is appealing since it is not "just another" AR.  I thought about buying the GSG and eventually paying another tax stamp fee and SBRing it to the actual length of the real  MP5SD.  I dont know....I am back and forth.  I wouldnt mind getting the Colt and fitting it with an RIS and a ACOG clone, but I want the version that has the true M16 front sight post and not the flip up type.  I dont really want anything else added other than maybe a good vertical front grip and a rail mounted light.  Then I sway back to the whole "man....its another version of what, I already have so many of".  I know that you cant have too many good rifles....I look at them as true stock that doesnt have such a wavering market, they are good investments that can become family pieces and passed along to future family.  I geuss I'll keep looking and listening and eventually I'll make a choice of which I think niether will be a bad choice.  Any opinions of the two guns would be appreciated.  Thanks!!  :thumb:

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I've owned the Colt/Umarex OPS for over a year, have run several thousand rounds thru it. It has the M4 collapsible stock, full length rails and a fixed front sight post. A very GOOD arm, however it is the MOST reviled arm on the internet. The bashers, none of whom I can determine actually own a Colt/Umarex have a field day on most sites running these guns down. Being an owner and ACTUALLY KNOWING what I'm talking about I can give you an open honest opinion. The Colt/Umarex is ammo picky, the Winchester bulk and Federal bulk run thru it just fine. The higher your round count fired thru the arm, the smoother it gets. It does have a schrouded barrel, doesn't hurt a thing. The early guns have a 180 degree safety, doesn't mean a thing on this plinker. A fake forward assist is no issue, who would ever need it with a rimfire. It will NOT accept an AR spec trigger group, it's trigger is a Walther proprietary design. The barrel is metric threaded, however a thread adapter is readily available to convert it to 1/2''X 28. All I hear about is how DIFFICULT this arm is to clean. NOT! If you have a smidgen of mechanical ability it is simple to break down and clean. I would buy this arm AGAIN....I would recommend this arm to others, if they have any ability to maintain their arms.


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Hey rodent i wouldn't expect bad things like that to be to be said about the colt/umarex i have looked at an M4 ops in a gun store and thought i wish i had brought that instead of the GSG AK47  (which i own) now that needs Allen keys and a screw driver and a few odds n ends to just get the bolt out, the stock has to be unscrewed, then an Allen bolt holds the stock mounting plate which has to be removed, then another Allen bolt holds the top cover catch in place which has to be removed, then then there is a end plate which slides out towards the top and try and not scrape the scope sitting on the scope mount then pop out the trigger group which pulls towards the rear of the frame then you can get the bolt carrier out. now if they wanna complain about it so much they shouldn't go and use the dam thing, i like them and want to get one some day.

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Thanks thats what I was looking for - word from a knowledgeable owner.  Thank-you.


I havent thought about a dedicated upper, may have to start looking.


WOW!! Pretty detailed strip down, huh?  I actually was starting to look at a GSG AK as a possibility to.  I thought about getting one and fitting it with an M4 collapsible stock and a railed front handguard.  Kinda like this:


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  On 10/21/2010 at 12:08 AM, 447MSGT said:


WOW!! Pretty detailed strip down, huh?  I actually was starting to look at a GSG AK as a possibility to.  I thought about getting one and fitting it with an M4 collapsible stock and a railed front handguard.  Kinda like this:

It actually takes about 2 mins to strip it down and get the bolt out once you get the hang of its a piece of cake, i keep saying i wish i could have got something else but i think its all the mods and bits you can get for the M4 style rifles more than the rifle itself, but i do like it and i have put about 5000 rounds through it in about 6 months and its a dam good rifle.

which website did you get the photo from ? iam always looking at bits to buy for mine  :P

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Spikes is the one the bashers throw at me on the ''other'' sites. Hell I can shoot 30 rounds out of the Colt/Umarex in 9-10 seconds, and its accurate at targets.....Whats not to like? Their point is why buy a airsoft toy when you could own a real gun- the spikes upper. My point is when you have 30 rounds shot up your behind your buns won't know if a Spikes or a Colt/Umarex killed ya, so what the hells the point in bashing? Sorry I had to vent....See how damned stupid this crap can get? :auto: :bang:

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