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Buckmark not returning to battery.


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I have a Browning Buckmark Camper which I've had for at least 11 years, it has been scrupulously cleaned (I'd err to the over cleaned side, military habits can be hard to break) and lubed during those years.

I took it to the range today and was having trouble with Failure to Return to Battery. It only happens after firing a round, never when racking the slide or when releasing it from the bolt catch. I could turn the pistol slightly and see when it didn't return and push it forward by hand and all was fine.

I think I've narrowed it down to 1 of 2 things. First, the Site Mounting Base could be on to tight and causing drag as it comes forward. I don't remove it everytime, but I'd never had torque values for the screws until today and I found a decent priced torque driver on Amazon. I honestly think this is the most likely problem. so I'll probably order new screws and washers from Browning.

However, I do wonder if the recoil spring needs to be replaced also, the pistol has between 1300 and 1400 rounds through it. Thoughts!

I know it isn't ammo related because I was using CCI Mini-Mags when it started and for several magazines worth afterwards. I then switched to Federal and had the same problem at the about the same rate.

Feel free to toss ideas at me, I'm at most a very mechanically inclined novice gun tinkerer, with enough sense to realize when I need a gunsmith.

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  On 3/3/2011 at 12:07 AM, asmurff said:

However, I do wonder if the recoil spring needs to be replaced also,

That is the first thing that comes to mind, not that the cause of your problem couldn't be something else.

Any unusual wear?  Perhaps because of your sight?

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I haven't had time to disassemble it today, plus I have a sinus headache and little screws and springs would be a bad idea right now. I do want to check for wear and the ejector (I remembered catching a cleaning rag on it as I was cleaning out the mag well and feed ramp.

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I think I've got the pistol fixed, the ejector did look like it was being hit by the slide so I bent it back down ever so sligthly. Plus I got a F.A.T torque wrench for putting the screws back in, I torqued them to about 12 inch pound and the slide seems to have bit more play in it.

I'll find out for sure tomorrow I'll take it to the range and test fire it.

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Still doing it but not as often, came back from the range and ordered a new recoil spring which should be here by next Wednesday, which will give me time to install and test it before our Tactical Rimfire Match on Saturday.

It has around 1500 round through it but I haven't found a recommended replacement count.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Buckmark is fixed!!!! :beer: I finally replaced the recoil spring, the one I took off was a good 3/4 of and inch shorter than the new one. I also bent the ejector down slightly cause I could see where it had been rubbing on the slide.

I just came back from the range where I put 150 rounds through it with no problems! :auto:

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