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Ive been spending again


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I have been buying more goodies for my mosin nagent, first of all the barrel is a little long for hunting purposes so i am going to take off a couple of inches may be down to a 26 inch barrel and iam going thread the barrel with a 14mm x 1 mm pitch thread and fit a muzzel brake, i have choosen the russian AK74 style brake as i like the look of it,i have also ordered a stock from Richards microfit gunstocks its a wildcat thumbhole stock in american walnut,and its going to be a true left hand stock as iam a south paw, i have looked all over the internet for a left hand stock and i finally found someone who does one, its like trying to find rocking horse poop trying find a left hand stock but i had to pay an extra $15 for it



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The AK74 muzzle brake is for the 5.45x39mm caliber. Will the larger 7.62 caliber bullet of your Mosin fit through the exit hole?

My experience with Richard's micro fit stocks is that they come semi-inletted requiring you to finish the inletting.

Stock inletting experience will be helpful.

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The AK74 style muzzle brake i ordered is for the AK47 i asked them the caliber of the muzzle brake before i p

  On 8/12/2011 at 7:01 PM, Microgunner said:

The AK74 muzzle brake is for the 5.45x39mm caliber. Will the larger 7.62 caliber bullet of your Mosin fit through the exit hole?

When i ordered the muzzle brake from cheaper than dirt and i asked them if it will work with 7.62 x 54R and they said yes so before i use it iam going to make sure that the bullet will pass through and also make sure the thread is square and its all lined up.

I have put on a timney trigger on my mosin which wont fit in any mosin stock so when it arrives iam going to get my father in law to help with the stock as he is the woodworker and he has a dremel, iam  bribe him with Dr pepper also he needs my help he has just been given a jap 7.7mm rifle he needs fixed up. 

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Will do iam looking forward to getting this all done but the stock is going to take 12 weeks to get here so it might be my christmas present to myself. iam getting my first hunting licence at the end of the month and i want to use my mosin to get my first wild boar.

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Ok my muzzle brake has arrived my stock is getting made and will be here in the next 3 months and my dia is somewhere on the south china sea floating this way, i took a couple of photo's of the brake with a 7.62x54 round just to make sure it will work with my mosin. and there is about 3mm each side clearance so it will work nicly with my mosin



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Well the 14mm x1mm lefthand die turned up today so i went and spoke to a very friendly guy at frontier valley, they do irrigaters for the farmers round here and they have a lathe in there workshop so i asked him if i could borrow his lathe and they said yes, so i cut 3 inches off my rifle barrel and turned down the barrel so i could thread the last inch and here are the results, well iam sorry about the quality of the photos they were taken on my phone also one thing i discovered once i had got the rifle mounted in the lathe chuck is that the bore of the barrel is not in the center of the barrel its off center by about 3 mm which i had to make the dam thing center using the tail stock spinning center, but i have pencil tested the muzzle brake and the pencil is the right dia from the barrel and it does not touch the side of the brake  ;D





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  On 8/20/2011 at 2:28 PM, imschur said:

Really nice, I like that pry bar sized bolt

Thank you guys, i love the bolt hand to, pity you don't live closer as i would let you destroy some targets with it and you would see for yourself how good the bolt handle is  ;D if you ever come down this way give me a shout.

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