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Bad Week


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Below is a minor explanation for my lack of presence here and elsewhere on the web

Most of you guys would probably be surprised to learn that the little woman and I do a fair bit of cat rescue. As a by product of that we have quite a few cats of our own and love them dearly. Well last August my second oldest cat Yogi was diagnosed with a form of colon cancer. Vet gave him 3-6 months. Pretty much started spoiling the crap out of him since that day. So far he is still doing pretty good. A few months back I said to the little woman "You know we are staring at Yogi and we are going to miss something with one of the others. Well sadly I was right. End of February I was called to work on an emergency. Upon returning home I noticed Bailey my 19 year old Ocicat's face looked swollen. He had been sneezing a bit for a few days so I just figured it was a sinus infection. Anyhow upon seeing his face I rushed him to the vet. Expecting nothing serious I was floored to learn he had cancer in his mouth and jaw. Biopsy results were a horrible and agressive cancer. From the day of the fatal diagnosis I decided to clear my schedule as much as possible and enjoy Baileys last days or weeks. Bailey was after all my best friend. Ocicats have very unique personalties. Very dog like, intelligent, social and loyal. Baily was with me at every move. He sat on my lap for every forum post. His paw on my hand while operating the mouse. He slept with me a night, nestled in my arm pit, little head on my shoulder. My mom used to refer to us as brothers because we were inseperable.

Tuesday night the cancer seemed to switch to constant pain. Wednesday I brought my furry brother Bailey to the vet to end it. I have gone down this road a lot and it's never easy but there was something about Bailey that was different and losing him has been devastating to me. I havent felt this bad since losing Baileys mother three years ago and my own mother a few years prior.



Thursday at the office the guy who works for me do something real stupid. We were working on a hydraulic dock leveler that had broken. The weld on a cylinder broke and the cylinder was hanging down preventing the leveler from going down. The only way to get the unit down was to move the cylinder at an angle so it would move out of the way. This required my guy to hold the button down that would keep the leveler up in the air. I was then going to take a 2x4 and reposition the cylinder. As i was inserting the 2x4 he took his finger off the button. The leveler comes down causing the 2x4 to flip like a catapult and hitting me under my jaw and across the chin. Feels like my damn jaw is broken at my ears. Painful to bite and chew.

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Sorry to hear about your loss I know how you feel, I hope your jaw isn't broken in 1999 i was assulted in the UK I had severe broken leg ribs nose and jaw the way they got my jaw to work.was they taped a bunch of tongue depressors together and had to put them between my teeth and force my jaw to open slightly every hour and keep it there for 5 mins and add another stick every other day it hurts like hell but try it and see if it helps bud once again iam sorry for all your going through.

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Frightening.  Hope you do not have consequences in the long term.  When I was doing industrial plant & equipment maintenance,  dock ramps and the associated mechanical gear was treated as one of the most potentially lethal repairs,  with good reason.  Very glad you survived.  Hope the injuries are only superficial and temporary.

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