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Since all this started...


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Do you find yourself going to range less frequently?

Do you start hoarding your rounds?

Are you tired of going to your local sporting good store and see the ammo cases look like a ghost town?

Putting off firearm purchases, because A) you can't find it..And B) you don't know if you can get ammo to shoot it?

I guess it's a pretty good deal for the Anti-Gun guys, cause at least for me, I'm not shooting near as much (Not even Skeet) Cause you don't know if you'll ever be able to replace rounds you send down range.

Gun control due to scarcity..The ultimate evil plan ;D

It is frustrating though....

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I have not actually been to a gun store since well before this started, have been getting most of my reloading components online. Actually have been getting my firearms online also, and just visiting a FFL to complete paperwork, ect. My brother-in-law was over yesterday to pick up a couple AR mags, and he said Gander Mtn. had 3 guns. Also have not been to the range, wanted to go today as I just worked up some new 5.56 rounds, but it is 3 degrees above freaking zero. I want global warming! But I hear what you are saying.

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I haven't been going because it was so cold here for the past month. I hadn't made a concious decision to shoot less for fear of no being able to replace the ammo. I did so in the last big shortage, since I had so little ammo then. I learned my lesson so started reloading and buying at least one box of ammo each time we get paid.

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Well my funds are limited as always. It's winter here so I don't shoot anyhow. I hoarded well in advance of this. In fact my only regrets are not getting more Ruger BX-25 and HK AR15 magazines.

I have enough of everything else.

This month I bought a Browning High power and a KIDD 10/22 receiver.

I stopped watching tv and listening to the radio. It's a mess here in CT

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I've made my gun purchase and I have been to Walmart everyday for the last two weeks checking the ammo case, just because it's easy and a fun distraction at lunch.  I have watched the gun racks empty and the ammo shelves become dust collectors.  I'd buy more ammo, to replace what I've been shooting at the range, if it were available.  I have not been restricting my range time, and in fact, have been as many times this year as I was all of last year already, to shoot my new toy.  However, I believe that I may be forced to scale back and wait for the resupply truck until further notice.

As a side point, I also noticed that you can't buy a decent gun case from any retail outlet.  I ordered my online after looking/waiting for more than two weeks.

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  On 1/22/2013 at 9:34 PM, Elessar said:

I'd not heard of any close door meetings.  What's up wit dat?

White house had a private meeting with these guys, I think Walmart may have been a singularly private meeting. It's believed that Walmart is out of the ammo business and maybe firearms too. Supposed to be an announcement coming

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I've been stopping in every Walmart or sporting good store that I find myself near, including pawn shops, and no one has any stock of the popular calibers.  Everyone will tell you, "I have that on order and expect it to come in pretty soon."  However, when you chat with them, they really do understand the backlog of shipments and have zero idea when anything wil actually be restocked.

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