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federal bulk pak 550 36 grain HP


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I've fired off 1300 rounds in the last 3 weeks or so, and I've had an average of one FTF in each 30 round magazine, sometimes two. In EVERY FTF, I've rotated the cartridge and it has fired. The non-firing imprint has been deep, so I can't attribute the FTF to litestrikes. The Colt is striking deep and true, so I don't think it's the arm. It looks to me like not enough priming compound inside the rim of the shell. The Federal is the best ammo I've used by far, so I'll just live with it.... :grin:

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  On 5/31/2010 at 8:51 AM, techmike said:

Yeah - Different lots, all across the country. FTF in my Colt shoot just fine in my Marlin. Quality control IMO.


i emailed federal about a bad batch of ammo and they sent me a free bulk box through ups  :thumb:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Now this is interesting, I have been slowly working through a Federal 375 rnd value pack, this is the value pack that I have been having fail to fires from. Today I was having trouble hitting close to the bull with it at 50 yds. I would get two in the bull, then miss by 3 inches. I broke open another 375 pack and was soon hitting bulls consistently again. Totally different results. BTW - I contacted Federal about the FTF's and they offered me a new box. I declined, but they insisted to send me something, so I now have a nice Federal t-shirt.


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  • 1 month later...

For what it is worth, I had tried running the Federal 550 pack in my Colt and had multiple FTF.  I switched to the Federal Match bulk pack and maybe had 3 or 4 FTE per 325 round box.  They are tougher to find but I can usually find them at Wally World.  I recently traded off the Colt for a dedicated Spikes upper and the Federal Match gave me fits with FTE.  I switched back to the 550 Bulk pack in the Spikes and now it runs flawlessly.  Through my research, I found that Spikes tunes all the uppers specifically to run on the standard Federal Bulk packs.

Moral of the story to me is each barrell/bolt have their own ammo they like to eat and either trial and error or research to find the best match is the beset way to go.

Just my $0.02

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The concept of a certain brand of ammo working better in a specific gun spans almost any firearm I've ever owned. 

My SKS was the worst, and only ate Wolf ammo, and my old 30-06 proper would only load remington.

My bolt action .22s just love Rem Golden Bullets, but my semi autos hate it.

Oddly enough, Federal bulk has been the only ammo my 522 really likes; and I have had only 4-6 ammo malfunctions in over 2500 rounds.

Maybe it has something to do with environment/heat/humidity of the state/ store where they are stockpiled and sold?

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My bolt action .22 (Marlin 925R) will eat anything.

My 10/22 is a bit pickier, doesn't like Remington 22 Cyclone at all (neither do I it left the rifle filthy). Does well with the Federal Bulk (solid or HP) packs if I load the 25 round magazines by hand. I also have a box of Federal Auto Match which I haven't tried yet, but three of the people at the last Tactical .22 Match said they did great in their 10/22.  It excels with CCI Mini-Mags, but I only shoot those when it counts, if the Federal Auto Match works out I may be able to switch to those which are less expensive.

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I think you will like the Federal Auto Match ammo.  I ran it exclusively in my M4 OPS and now run it exclusively in my 10/22 that I previously ran Wolf Match ammo in.  You can beat the price, especially compared to the Wolf.  My 10/22 has a match chambered green mountain barrel so it is pickier than most when it comes to chambering a round.  I will be curious to hear a report back on what you think of it.

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my .22 AK eats federal 550 bulk packs, i have (since i got it repaired) had very few fte's 1 may 2 per box, but on the last visit to the range it had a few failure to fed issues the rounds were jamming in the mouth of the mag half in half out and pointed up towards the breech i have never had that problem before but iam going to the range again tomorrow and ill see what happens :o

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  On 8/6/2010 at 6:00 PM, moxdmguy said:


I think you will like the Federal Auto Match ammo.  I ran it exclusively in my M4 OPS and now run it exclusively in my 10/22 that I previously ran Wolf Match ammo in.  You can beat the price, especially compared to the Wolf.  My 10/22 has a match chambered green mountain barrel so it is pickier than most when it comes to chambering a round.  I will be curious to hear a report back on what you think of it.

I'll try and get out next week range and will tell you what I think, however may have to go out of town, not sure when yet.

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  On 8/6/2010 at 3:14 PM, asmurff said:

... if I load the 25 round magazines by hand.

I'm sure everyone knows this, but it's worth mentioning that some speedloaders can insert bullets out of sequence.  That is, the rim at the cartridge base must follow the rim of the next bullet.  Sometimes speedloaders or simply trying to load too quickly/carelessly by hand can result in one bullet's rim getting jammed behind the next one in line, so that it cannot load properly if at all.  Hard to put in words atm, but I can reproduce the error in photos if desired.

This can be an issue for any rimmed bullet that is loaded in detachable magazines, but it seems very easy to commit on the AR22 conversion mags.

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  • 2 months later...

some dedicated/conversion kit uppers need a rounded hammer, instead of a notched hammer, which normaly come with AR lowers. pretty easy and cheap to change over.. :confused: this assisted me on a couple of issues i had..I have since sold my AR'S for various reasons and just deal with 22lr rifles of asorted varity, amoung other powder burners..good luck,  :confused:


Spikes converion kit

Velocity Firearmsdedicated 22lr upper


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  On 8/6/2010 at 2:36 AM, moxdmguy said:

For what it is worth, I had tried running the Federal 550 pack in my Colt and had multiple FTF.  I switched to the Federal Match bulk pack and maybe had 3 or 4 FTE per 325 round box.  They are tougher to find but I can usually find them at Wally World.  I recently traded off the Colt for a dedicated Spikes upper and the Federal Match gave me fits with FTE.  I switched back to the 550 Bulk pack in the Spikes and now it runs flawlessly.  Through my research, I found that Spikes tunes all the uppers specifically to run on the standard Federal Bulk packs.

Moral of the story to me is each barrell/bolt have their own ammo they like to eat and either trial and error or research to find the best match is the beset way to go.

Just my $0.02

Aha aha aha!  I didn't know that.  The fed bulk is killer in my spike's.  Runs like a dream.  It's reliable as can be.  I've always wondered why folks were having trouble with the stuff, when I thought it was great. 


(That URL will not post as pic here, no idea why not)  Anyway:

upper left = CCI stingers

upper right = Remington bulk

bottom right = CCI blazer bulk

blazer bulk identical to federal champion

target at 25 yards

3x power

20 ea mag, except stingers, for ea group

Remington troublesome, stovepipes

CCI reliable

Blazer reliable and accurate 

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  • 3 months later...

Put 1100 rounds through the M&P in the past couple days. The federals aren't giving me any issues but my packs of CCI Mini-Mags are pure crap. Some of them are jamming upon chamber entry and some of them i can pop the bullet out of the casing without trying. Some of them even had a wax like coating. I called CCI and explained the situation and they said I must have used them improperly. My friend then picked up a pack of them from a different shop and he had the same issue. The Federals and even Winchester Dyna-Points shoot better than them. He also called CCI and they told him the same thing. The only thing we use em for now is our single shot target rifles. Does anyone know if they are doing something different with the ammo. I have Mini's and Blazers from a few years ago that I have no issues with and I love the brand but now I'm not so sure they are worth the price.

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