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Public Service (just want to say Thank-you)


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Hey fellow members....if you'd like to....I'd like to see you post here if your currently serving, you are a Vet or a Police officer, Fireman or EMS current or former.  Post your service and dates.  I'll start:

USMC: 95-03, Air gaurd: 06-to present, Police: 00-to present

Oh, and thanks for your service, my family and I appreciate it!  :beer:

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Thank you! SGT USAF 43151A AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE, 1970-1974, USAF RESERVE 74-76. I was fortunate in that my career field ( prop driven aircraft) included everything from the WWII gooney birds (C-47) to the T-28, T-29,C-54, C-118, C-123, and the AC-119 gunship. Also since the inventory of prop jobs was falling daily, I worked all jet aircraft in the US inventory, USAF, ARMY, NAVY and USMC. Transient Maintnance, Clark AB, Phillipines, 6200 FMS 1971-72. 18th SOS NKP Thailand  '72. Base Flight Keesler AFB, MS '72-'74. Carswell AFB, FT Worth, Tex '74-'76. Been a LONG time ago and FAR FAR away.....

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I never know what to say when someone thanks me for my military service. "You're welcome!" sounds so trivial, I wouldn't trade those years for anything, yes there were rough times but also a lot of fun times and places I'd have never seen otherwise. So it would be true to say "It was my pleasure."

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  On 10/21/2010 at 8:00 PM, asmurff said:

I never know what to say when someone thanks me for my military service. "You're welcome!" sounds so trivial, I wouldn't trade those years for anything, yes there were rough times but also a lot of fun times and places I'd have never seen otherwise. So it would be true to say "It was my pleasure."

X2 :beer:
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I had my pre interview tests and interview with the TDCJ and passed them all i had to do was send off my English college diploma to be put in to U.S. collage semester hours, i received the email i had been waiting for last week and i faxed it off to the HR dept and today i had a phone call from The Texas dept of Criminal Justice, they basicly phoned with a job offer and i now have my starting date and the date from my fitness test so for 5 and a half weeks iam not going to be around much,in the state of Texas corrections officers are L.E.O.s. Well the recruiter said iam the first Englishman he has had apply  :o

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I've got a brother in corrections, and the old man retired from the field, albeit both in Colorado.  It appears to be a growth industry, they were building facilities all the time a while back, and one would think you'll do alright.  Turned out to be a lot of travel, and I remember the old man just wound up renting an apartment where he worked and only came back on weekends.  Worked out OK for him, as he'd retired from the Army as well, so he's a triple-dipper now collecting SS, State and Fed retirement checks.

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