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Thankfully Im Broke


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I really shouldnt have bought the camera. I got really behind on my electric bill and server expenses. I finally caught up on my electric. Then friggin Basspro had a 6 month to pay sale. I bought a $200 fishing rod and they took the entire amount out of my account rather than 1/6..and now Xmas and my cat Tony's face looks swollen.

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I'm not exaggerating this but that's not much more than we'd pay for a dedicated .22 AR 15 over here in England. The one I'm eyeing up at the moment is $1500 basic. Throw on a rail system and we're pretty much in ACR territory...... FOR A .22!! >:(

Oh yeah I forgot, it's also highly illegal to own that rifle over here. Our NRA seem to be useless. Won't be long before we can't shoot anything over here.


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Seems it's easier for government to get brownie points from the people in our countries that just don't have a clue but shout the loudest by disarming decent law abiding citizens rather than get the weapons out of the hands of criminals. We've been subject to that a couple of times in the past following tragedies.

We just had a home office enquiry into our gun control laws following a recent set of shootings here and they found that when they banned pistols here in 97 and took all the legal pistols off their owners gun crime actually went up for a few years after! The Dunblane incident was terrible though. A **** went into a school and killed 16 children (five and six year olds) and one adult with legally held pistols. That's what caused the ban. How do you argue your rights in the shadow of something like that? I've got two children under three and the emotion it stirs is huge. What I'd do if you could go back in time and shut myself in a room with that guy!


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No argument there but no government's going to turn around after a tragedy like that and say they'll stop it from happening again by allowing more people to carry firearms in public and I have to agree. If I lived in America I'd definitely apply for a concealed carry permit but there's no saying any of the teachers wound have been carrying. I didn't think any teachers were allowed to carry on campus over there anyway?


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We went through the same thing over here. Most notably the Columbine tragedy, and the Amish school one also.

For months we all endured liberal after liberal spouting the "ban all guns" mantra, and other things, like "stop the bullying" and "ban violent video games", and blah blah blah blah.

Simple fact of the matter is even if you did all of the above, that still wont prevent some wacko from attempting to murder innocents. You cant legislate psychosis.

We keep subjecting ourselves to the whims of these nutjobs, and then after they kill a bunch of people we stand back and cry "WHY, OH WHY". As long as we cater to the pandering whiners who just dont get it, we will continue to see innocent children dieing in schools. And we have....we keep seeing news reports of yet another crazed murderer, or terrorist, etc.

So what is the only logical option. Protect yourself.

Had one single solitary person in any of the instances above had the means to protect themselves and others, the end result probably would have been MUCH different.

Back to the original topic.

$2 grand is my max now too. I try to keep it under 1500 if possible, but with the skyrocketing of firearm prices lately its getting difficult.

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After our recent shootings our new Prime Minister basically said the same thing about not being able to legislate against people flipping out. I was quite impressed.... with a politician!

You're lucky you can put a maximum on what you spend. Here if we want it there's no choice, you have to pay for it. They've got us by the bollox as we say.


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