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They multiply like rabbits


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For the last 30 years I've owned 3 handguns. My H&R 22lr/Mag, my S&W 38 special, and my trusty Dan Wesson 357.

6 months ago, I screwed up and bought a 40 cal sigma, (My first Semi), and a Judge.

Since then, I've been hangin' here and a couple of other sites, and viewing tons of gun porn, You know the Pics of the Les Baer 45's, etc...I've went through all the BS and have got my CHL, and am carrying in public. Now I'm going to the range 3 to 4 nights a week, and I just went to Wally World and dropped $250 on ammo....AGAIN!!!! My favorite night for television is Wednesday, Outdoor channels "Night at the range". My favorite of those shows is "Impossible Shots". I am now an NRA member.

With my recent purchase of my Ruger LCR 357mag, I'm now up to 14 handguns, in a matter of 6 months.. :auto:

I know I can count on you guys for support and your vast experience. Do I have a problem, as my wife is starting to suggest, or is this normal, and just keep letting the rabbits multiply. ;D

Thanks in advance!!!

I know I can count on you guys for your support and guidance...

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What problem I don't see a problem.  ::) I've found if you place the guns around the house so you always have one close at hand, it cuts down on the gun safe rabbit-style proliferation,  who knows what goes on in there when the safe door is closed and locked.

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Recently I was working with a lawyer for my gun trust. Part of that was an inventory. I was floored at what I had when I added it all up. Was born in to guns. Since i have become legal to purchase my own I have only sold one. Sure there are a few years where I only bought one or two.

  Im 45 now. Do the math.  :laugh:

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I knew I could count on you guys!!!! :laugh:

Forgot to mention the Mossberg "Persuader, and the Remington 700 BDL..But I just thought the hand guns, may be getting a little out of control..Thanks for letting me know, it's perfectly normal!!!! ;D :beer:

Now...I've got to show the old lady your thoughts so she'll know I'm not obsessing... :laugh:

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  On 10/25/2011 at 12:02 AM, asmurff said:

With all your purchases you'd better take up reloading soon.

Been thinking about it. Is it really that much of cost saver? Looks like by the time you buy the reloader, primers, bullers, you break about even?? :confused:

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Yes it does save money, if you're going to the range 3 or 4 nights a week, and are saving your brass the most expensive part, you'd realize a cost saving pretty quickly. If you watch sales for components or go to gun shows you can get some pretty good deals. The initial cost of the press is the only expensive part. I have 2 presses now, one I leave set-up for .45acp, the other I use for 9mm and will be starting on my .223 this week, I also have the dies and stuff for .380 but don't reload it, since I only shoot it about once every 3 months or so.

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asmurff hits the nail on the head. Dedicated pressses are the way to go. Set it and forget. Just verify your setups regularly.

If I was to start over I would get one of these for .45's. I would get something progressive for reloading 5.56 and .308.

Redding powder measures, dies and maybe a single stage for precision stuff.

I always had a single stage for utility work too.

The problem is some of us are prone to keep  buying the tools to simplify the process. This can get pricey. Throw in the time spent reloading and the savings might not be what it would seem. If you enjoy reloading as I did then the labor is moot

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Even for those calibers I don't have seperate presses for I do have seperate die plates all set up with the dies adjusted and locked down. Plus I mark the die, locknut and plate with an alignment mark so when I take them out of storage I can tell they are set-up then it just takes on quick check and away I go.

My reloading table


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Tal you could spend your money on wine, women or song. But instead you are being RESPONSIBLE and taking up a hobby which most times is enjoyed AT HOME. Reloading is the same. When your bride is reading or knitting or whatever, you can be reloading, cleaning out your gunlocker, or just shining them while spending QUALITY TIME with HER....

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