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colt ar going auto on them


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I was at the range yesterday with my son and my colt ar 22 went auto on auto on me just once but it left me wondering how it did it. 3 other guys that where there noticed it also and 2 of them are NRA instructors and very firearm savy and we could not find a reason or get it to do it again.

So I am hear asking if anyone knows how this could happen and how to correct this issue.

I was out with my son on his first trip to the range and he has the bug to shoot and shoot and shoot. He is only 6 so now I have to find something that fits him maybe a M4 in 22lr as he likes that caliber best.

The colt is the in the standard rifle configuration I had my one 10 round mag in the rifle at the time.

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Well called the company today and now waiting for the stuff to send it back to them they are not happy it ever fired auto and want to take it totally down and put it back together and see if that corrects the issue.

The guy I talked too said there is no way it should function on full auto ever. So now I wait for the information and then to send it back.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Well I got my Ar 22lr back nothing in the box from the factory what they found or didn't find. Didn't get charged for cleaning it so that was not the issue. Not pleased the factory said nothing but what the heck I have it back and that is all that matters to me if it goes postal again I guess I just keep it and hope no one finds out.

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I think some of the reasons manufacturers dont state what they fix is for safety and liabilty. A fix for one firearm might not be the same for another with similar symptoms. Problem is the way news travels on the web could lead to trouble as folks attempt their own repairs. Protecting people from themselves. Not saying it's right or wrong, just stating what I suspect.

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I understand that line of thinking and was just glad it was really nothing serious. But at the same time wonder if it will happen again.

As to doing that kind of work myself nope not really into that kind of work and it is so easy to screw up so to speak.

At least now I know most likely it was just a weak part in the firearm and also that it was a easy fix for the company.

The only funny part was it did it once and only once and I could not get it to do it again. It was like stepping back in time though to have a full auto in my hands. Strange very strange feeling. If you understand my drift. Oh well it is fixed now to find time to go play and enjoy it again.

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The strange thing is explain to me how a broken extractor was able to eject the casings all the time?

I am wondering if it was something else and they don't want to admit, tell or explain what really went wrong.

My only concern is did they really fix the issue? Will it maybe happen again one day?

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  On 8/30/2012 at 2:19 PM, shdwlkr said:

Ok So you are saying that the extractor was not the reason that my 22 when auto. So what is your idea of what went wrong and was fixed when I sent in for repairs?

My guess, and strictly a guess, would be a piece of trash or a burr in the firing pin channel, or a weak firing pin return spring.

Something was allowing the firing pin to reach the case during closing of the bolt.

A second guess would be a flaw in the sear.

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Get into the habit of cleaning the bore and chamber with a bore snake with a little Hoppes #9 on it about every 500 rounds or so....Then a full field cleaning (per the owners manual) every 1000 rounds or so.....I have a 90* chamber brush and a tooth brush for cleaning the chamber and bolt......I probably have 5000+ rounds thru mine with very few FTFs.

Shoot the rifle and enjoy it...Don't worry about the previous problem that was supposedly repaired.


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  • 3 months later...

Well I got a chance a little while ago to take my rifle out and shoot it just to see if I could make it go full auto again. A friend that went with me fired it too and we both noticed it did not seem like the same rifle. I was able to drop bullets in on target at over 200 yards granted the target was just and old box at that range but to do so for around 150 rounds seems interesting. Yes I did hit things at much farther with it but I am not saying just how far.  All I will say is when they tell you those little 22 lr pills will go some distance they are not necessarily wrong.

the function was totally different from before it went back to the factory so I am sure they did more than they said and I really don't care what as it is just plain fun to shoot. Only issue is the 180 degree swing of the safety lever that has been fixed on the new ones to just 90 degrees.

Put the better part of 500 rounds through it and not one issue. The only issue now is keeping enough 22lr ammo around to shoot and have fun with.

Just thought I should update my post on this issue

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