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What are you doing on election day?


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I assume you can't vote yet, because of your immigration status! Do like the liberals do, grab the Clovis paper find the obits, get the name and address and drive over to Clovis to vote, New Mexico doesn't have a voter ID law yet. This is all hypothetical of course!  >:D

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  On 11/6/2012 at 7:31 PM, asmurff said:

I assume you can't vote yet, because of your immigration status! Do like the liberals do, grab the Clovis paper find the obits, get the name and address and drive over to Clovis to vote, New Mexico doesn't have a voter ID law yet. This is all hypothetical of course!  >:D

Your correct sir  :thumb:

I dont wana be deported  :o

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Some news commentator said the other day that the real losers in this election are the "white, male, middle-class working man". I'm beginning to think this country doesn't want us here anymore. I know I don't feel like I belong! This doesn't even resemble the country I grew up in anymore. I sure did love the fifties! Big beautiful cars, steam locomotives, and classic Harley-Davidson Panheads, and we hadn't discovered the words "racism", and "gay". Politics was all about running the country, and not appeasing the minorities. Even though it seems we're not wanted, if we leave, WHO'S GONNA PAY THE BILLS???

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  On 11/8/2012 at 6:55 PM, wobblinwhee :thumb: :thumb:l said:

Some news commentator said the other day that the real losers in this election are the "white, male, middle-class working man". I'm beginning to think this country doesn't want us here anymore. I know I don't feel like I belong! This doesn't even resemble the country I grew up in anymore. I sure did love the fifties! Big beautiful cars, steam locomotives, and classic Harley-Davidson Panheads, and we hadn't discovered the words "racism", and "gay". Politics was all about running the country, and not appeasing the minorities. Even though it seems we're not wanted, if we leave, WHO'S GONNA PAY THE BILLS???

Iam sorta new here but i hear you  :thumb:

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Wobblinwheel Margret Thatcher once said "The problem with socialism is you soon run out of other peoples money.

I agree with you assessment I've use this as one of my email signature for a couple of years now


Caucasian, heterosexual, carnivore,

armed, Holy Bible believing, English

speaking, conservative male veteran.

How else can I tick you off today?"

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Unbelivable..I'ms still speechless..Yep..2 days in a 3% decline in the markets. I'm with you Wobblinwheel. After all the middle class working whites, just say hell with it, decide to sit on their ass, put their hands out and say "Where's Mine?". Who in the hell you got left to finance this fiasco?

Saw a pretty funny bumper Sticker yesterday...

Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms...What's the problem? ;D

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