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Which 5 firearms would you pick?


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Id pick one of each class.

Revolver, Semi auto pistol, Bolt action rifle, Shotgun, and Semi auto rifle.

choose calibers that are compatible with accessories or other calibers.

For example: .357 for the revolver, so you could also use .38

.223 for the rifles so you could use the same suppressor on the bolt action as the semi auto rifle, and if the semi auto pistol is a .22, then the suppressor would work on it too....and you will have something that shoots cheap ammo. And 12 guage for the shotgun so you can fire birdshot, buckshot, slugs, etc.

You could also swage the .22 copper into .223 copper jackets for making your own ammo for the rifles.

Just think it through and you will come up with the best options.

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I'd only need three.  I favor the modular concept.

AR/5.56 with .22 conversion.  Good for defense, small game, SHTF and light carry.

Single shot, with shotgun and rifle barrel, 6.5mm in my case, as it's good for long distance and hunting just about any medium, and larger, game in a pinch.

Any number of 9mm pistols would do me, although I wouldn't be averse to a .44 special revolver.

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1911 .45acp or other .45acp semi-automatic

12ga pump

AR in 5.56mm with a .50 Beowulf upper also

Rossi Pick 4 .410 GA / 20 GA / .22LR / .243 Only counts as one according to ATF

Flintlock rifle .50 calber

I think that covers all the bases from fun to survival.

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  On 3/7/2011 at 11:52 AM, techmike said:

New member Dutchdiamondback from the Netherlands has mentioned that in his home country the average citizen is limited to 5 heavily registered firearms. So what 5 firearms would you pick if so restricted?  :confused:

Hold the phone, me hearties!

And start ditching that average citizen bit....

The average Dutch citizen isn't into sportshooting nor into hunting. Hence: they dont get guns - period.

And that fact makes me in my country a strong supporter for strict gun control.

Don't touch that dial, folks and bear with me for a sec. Let me put this bold statement into perspective.

Your (remember, I'm Dutch!) gunownership is firmly locked into your society. You have your Second Amendment. You have the Right to keep and bear arms. That makes it not only a more common practice, but it also is part of your nation's heritage and tradition, which found it's root in the struggle of a young nation facing threats from within and from abroad.

And although some "civilized" people disgard this fact as a relic of the past from an uncivilized era, others will stand for their rights and believes. I'm not going in to the from my cold dead hands-bit but you know what I mean. And believing and upholding that right, doesn't end at the eternal Second Amendment-discussion. No, Sir! The responsible gunowner will be an advocate of those rights and an ambassador of that tradition. He will educate his kin on how to uphold that right and with that comes the responsibility of handling a gun right. That knowledge - in many cases - was given to him by his father and his father was taught by his father and so on. That doesn't mean one is safe for the occasional F-up, but it is a fact that a knowledgable society can deal a lot better with gunwnership then a non-knowledgable society.

And here's where my strict gun control disease raises it's ugly head.

My country hasn't got this tradition, hasn't got the knowledge. If every moron in my neck of the woods would be allowed to own or carry, I would be the first in line for a carrypermit. Not to protect my self against thugs and villians, but against legal don't-know-nothing gunowners with a gun.

As for the rest of your little discussion - I don't have to choose, my goverment did that for me.

Bummer. Maybe they will up the quota, maybe not. We had a mall ninja a few months back. Nutcase with a legalgunpermit and the media is all over us. We'll have to wait and see what troubles lie ahead.

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