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Texas CHL class's What's involved


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Well...I took the plunge. I'm signed up for my CHL class on August 27th, at San Jac college. Price was reasonable at $75.00. I understand I have to submit  the class paperwork and $125 to State of Texas to get my license, which is good for 5 years. I understand the shooting requirements. and frankly from what I've seen, if you can't score 175 on the shooting part, you may as well take a track course to run away from you attackers.. ;D Class goes from 7:30 in the AM till 7:00 in the PM...

Anyway..For you guys that have went through it, was wondering if you'd share your experiences and thoughts..Thanks..

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Well your cost are compareable to NM's and time is about the same we require 16 hours, so you have to give up a whole weekend. Ours are only good for 4 years, pulse you have to do a 2 year range requalification, usually not more than a couple of hours time. Hopefully the 2 year requal will go away this coming legislative session. The range portion here is a piece of cake for anyone with just a minimum of training.

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  On 8/11/2011 at 5:42 PM, George Wood said:

Got my Texas CHL a few years ago and have renewed twice not hard at all just a little time and money. My instructor is a local PD Caption and really knows his stuff. Great experience.

Thanks George. Am looking forward to it..

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Ohio requires 12 hours of class, with at least 2 hours range time. When CC became law here, I had the opportunity to take a NRA Instructor class, which was two full days. It was great, with tactical shooting scenarios and really good instruction. Nice thing is, I do not have to re-take the class to re-qualify when my CHL is due for renewal. Enjoy your class!

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here in Virginia you can take your class online and get certified for $29.95!!! I got mine in '95, I submitted my DD214 and was exempted from the firearms safety course. Now the permit renewal is automatic, just give the local government money-grubbers their fee, good for 5 years.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well...It's done..The longest Saturday ever. We started at 7:30 in the morning. Talked about gun safety, course objectives. Then off to the range.. On a B27 target you had to shoot a minimum of 170. I scored 250.(Perfect.)..Not as impressive as it sounds. Perfect score is anything in the 8 ring, from 3, yards, 7 yards, and 15 yards. We only had one nail driver, all 50 shots in the 10 ring. I'm not the nail driver.. ;D


Then it was back to class, for the MANDATORY 10 hours class. Laws, responsibilites, liabilities, and on and on. About 7:30 that night, we walked out of there, and I have my certificate for completion of the course. The instructor kept things lively in the classroom, and was very good, but 10 hours is 10 hours.. ;D

Anybody have any questions about Texas handgun law, as of this point my aged mind has it in place. Interesting class..All kinds of people from an engineer at NASA, offshore helicopter pilot. couple of married couples. 11 total.

Something I didn't know. State of Texas you can legally keep a loaded handgun in your vehicle, WITHOUT a CHL. I will definitely think about that the next time I get the urge to flip somebody off, that cut me off on the freeway.. ;D

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  On 9/1/2011 at 4:44 PM, Madhouse said:

Pearland Shooting Club?

Yep...That's the one..They're having their meetings today..Can't say I wont miss blowing gun powder out of my nose for a couple of days, after shooting at my local indoor range... ;D

Thanks MicroGunner. 8)

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