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Neighbor Trouble


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Heres the deal theres an elderly man in his 80's a few doors down who is selling his home. He used to be doctor so its a pretty nice home just a little rundown.

Recently his crack whore granddaughter moved in. Shortly there after some scummy looking guy, the daughters boyfriend showed up and started staying there. Well we have been seeing things leave the house. Understand this house is like a museum of antique furniture. Anyhow all of us neighbors are concerned. Today however  was too much. The turd is removing the copper gutters. A few of the neighbors went over and confronted them. The crack whore went in the house and came out with her mother who stated that her father wants the turd to do this.

We want to ask the homeowner directly but we rarely see him. Im also concerned that they may be intimidating him into agreeing to do their deeds.

Who do you call in a situatation like this? Cops? Someone else?

We are real concerned for this guy.

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They may suck him dry, starve him to death and leave the house an empty shell. Then maybe will forge his name to his social security checks...,Low life scum....Of course he may have raised his daughter to have no character, the problem with old people is that they look so friendly and helpless and we read our feelings towards our own grandparents into those old folks we see. The old lady across the street may have serviced the 7th fleet in her younger days...The old man down the road may be a child-molesting monster.......

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  On 7/11/2010 at 5:04 AM, techmike said:

I think our country started going downhill when they made dueling against the law.

You sir, seem to have an idea of how hard it is Not to slap a person with a leather glove. 

Make dueling legal, but require the use of flintlocks just like the old days.  I would totally go "Aaron Burr" on some people.

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  On 7/27/2010 at 7:10 PM, Mr. Jones said:

You sir, seem to have an idea of how hard it is Not to slap a person with a leather glove. 

Make dueling legal, but require the use of flintlocks just like the old days.  I would totally go "Aaron Burr" on some people.

I bet that would solve the USA's rudeness problem fast. Plus we could get rid of some of the undesireable stock out of the gene pool  >:D

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  On 7/27/2010 at 10:30 PM, asmurff said:

I bet that would solve the USA's rudeness problem fast. Plus we could get rid of some of the undesireable stock out of the gene pool  >:D

Only three things required to square away this nation's citizens (in regards to common decency and humility).

1.  Legal Fisticuffs (close enough to dueling for modern standards) - As it stands now, it is illegal in all states to punch or simply slap someone across their face when they step out of line.  Hell in most states it's illegal to even defend yourself from being hit (but that's another thread). 

Just give judges and juries the ability to decide if the force was warranted- how many people would keep acting a fool with the constant threat of their fellow Americans giving them a wake up call in the form of a fat lip? 

2. Pants down, public ass spankings- build a public stage, bend a man over a barrel, whoop his bare ass with a belt or paddle- repeat as necessary.  The sheer embarrassment of possibly getting licks publicly before getting sent to bed with no dinner would deter a lot of the stupid little annoyances that plague us daily.  If the subject appears to enjoy the spanking, see Proposition 1 (fisticuffs).

3. Public Execution- and I don't mean some limp wristed, humane form of execution, I mean firing squad, hanging, electrocution, or even suffocation.  Something painful and ghastly, horrid to the eyes and heavy to the mind.  How many people would think twice about their actions after seeing a man publicly suffocated?  A frikkin ton of them is how many.  The ends should justify the means, with exceedingly painful execution based on the severity of the crime.

With laws like these in place, this crackhead down the street would not be as apt to take advantage of the elderly victim.  He's not afraid of an elderly invalid, so he thinks he has a day pass allowing him to walk all over him.  Now imagine any given family member or neighbor had the legal right to stand up for that old man; which might include the use of force to remove the crackhead and deter further criminal efforts.

Leave it to the judge and jury to decide whether the actions were justified; and have strong repercussions for those that would abuse this right.  This way people aren't just going around attacking each other blindly.  So in the case of this crackhead, you would have to make damn sure your story held up before the judge, and that your use of force was justified and of a proper level; but ultimately, you could conceivably grab him by the scruff of the neck and throw him to the curb.  As it damn well should be.

Perhaps I have an idealistic view built by John Wayne and Audie Murphy defending women's honor and weaker citizens.   

As it stands today, American legislation is so restrictive in it's aim at "Zero Tolerance," and the people are so desensitized and namby pamby...  I dunno, it's more complex than I can exemplify in a single post- but it just aint right.

Afterthought-  While I am markedly embarrassed to admit it, I have found myself in the situation where I sat on my hands rather than render aid (in the form of violence).  Not because I was afraid to get hurt, but because I was afraid to have the words "assault and battery" on my permanent record.  Something is seriously wrong when a crowd has the legal responsibility to stand back and watch a man drunkenly beat the hell out of his wife outside a bar on a busy public street- something horribly wrong.

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