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Must be bad out there....


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  On 2/14/2013 at 12:42 AM, bdavison said:

My local academy sports has about 800 boxes of .22LR in stock, so it is still out there.  Bought some this morning....will probably buy more tommorow.

Yeah I saw it and passed. It was Talo at $3.99 a box for 50 rounds. I just passed on it.

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I pass two Walmarts and private hunting retail store on my way home.  I have been stopping in regularly to check on their orders that "should be here any day."  The have lots of shot gun shells and a few center fire shells, but zero .22lr.  I have heard that some Gander Mountain stores have .22lr ammo, but they're not near me, so...

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One box? where do you find one box? :confused:

Wish I would have had my camera at Wally World yesterday. NOT one box of anything in rifle or pistol ammo. I just laughed.

Academy wasn't much better. The had NO pistol ammo, and some 300 win mag, and 30-06. The salesman told me they get orders in on M,W & F, early AM. He says they got people lining up at 5:00 A.M. for the couple of thousand rounds these deliveries yield, and they're gone within an hour.

Don't need ammo that bad.. ;D

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  On 2/24/2013 at 7:57 PM, techmike said:

Yep. Think that is bad, just wait till it's the same way with doctors or medications.....

Yep that's coming too. This sequestration thing is beyond me. The government claims they can't get by with a 2 and 1/2% budget cut. Yet in the meantime we all just took a 2% budget cut with the new SS tax at the beginning of the year. Strange.. :confused:

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  On 2/25/2013 at 2:22 AM, Tal said:

Yep that's coming too. This sequestration thing is beyond me. The government claims they can't get by with a 2 and 1/2% budget cut. Yet in the meantime we all just took a 2% budget cut with the new SS tax at the beginning of the year. Strange.. :confused:

yep it's all BS

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